Will Augustine Interns at the Montana Department of Transportation

Over the summer of 2021, Will worked at Montana Department of Transportation in Helena, Montana as an IT Help Desk Intern. His main responsibilities were to assist employees at MDT with any technological assistance they may need. This ranged from helping them use how to use a new application to swapping out memory or hard drives on their computers. Their focus, due to COVID-19, was to give everyone that had a tower/PC a laptop so that if they had to quarantine or work out of the office, it was much easier to do so. This process involved interacting with those employees and discussing what programs they used and did not use and then pushing installations to their new laptop so that when they got their laptop, everything they wanted was on there and it was ready to use. Will was also a beta tester for multiple things, including new conference room equipment and a new platform we were thinking of switching over to. He also had the privilege of working with the dev/ops department, when reviewing the back-end development side of things. His favorite parts were the people he worked with and the opportunity to continuously learn and improve. When Will was not assisting customers, he was coding small things on the side so that he could continue to grow as a want-to-be software developer.