Trevor Osborne Interns at Montana Tech IT Department

Trevor Osborne is a senior in the computer science program. During the summer of 2021, Trevor interned under Alan Christensen in the IT Department to develop a more efficient means for full time employees to complete their yearly conflict of interest form. The original form was exclusively done on physical paper or emailed around through the use of PDFs. The goal of this internship was to develop a system to not only make the experience easier for employees to complete, but allow for a simpler and more efficient means of gathering statistics and quick references on users who completed their form. Trevor primarily utilized C#, HTML, CSS, and SQL to create a web application that stored this information remotely on a server. Administrative web applications were created with appropriate permissions to allow specific users to sign off on certain steps, or run queries built through the web service for required legal reports.

Trevor found this internship incredibly valuable as he was given the opportunity to not only program for the project, but complete every step of the entire process. This included interviewing different clients, researching local processes related to the form, drafting up an initial requirements and specifications document, and performing user testing to make modifications as the project progressed.