Alumni Support

We realize most of our alumni are young & are struggling to establish their careers & households. None-the-less we need to emphasize that your support is vital for the on-going growth of both Montana Tech and the Computer Science Department. One way you can think of such support is as insurance that your CS or SE degree from Montana Tech will continue to have value in the market place, & indeed that it will increase in value. The side bar Alumni & Giving link will take you to the Tech pages about supporting Tech in general. Here we would like to point out two ways you can support the CS Department.


  • Respond promptly to our alumni survey requests
  • Represent your organization on our Industry Advisory Board & attend our annual Industry Advisory Board Meetings
  • Keep an eye out for promising young talent that could befit from a Tech education in computer science or software engineering, & encourage them to attend here
  • Keep an eye out for possible internships at  your organization that could be filled by one of our students and let us know
  • Share your industry experience & participate in technical discussions with our faculty and students on our Facebook site.


  • A small but regular donation to our department’s Montana Tech Foundation account would be very helpful:
  • Given today’s meager interest rates, a regular yearly gift of $10 is equivalent to a thousand dollars of endowment
  • If most of our alumni make a regular yearly gift, however small,  we are in a stronger position to ask for funds from other sources
  • We are especially in need of funds for our on-line scholarship program. If you have not taken at look at this program please do so.  It is available from October 1 to April 30 every year. As far as we know ours is the only program of this kind on the planet, so it helps significantly in differentiating us from our competitors. (We recently had a young man from Kathmandu, Nepal participate in this program.)
  • To make a donation follow the side bar Alumni & Giving links. If you want your gift to go to the Computer Science Department account select Other as the designation of your gift and name the Computer Science Department.